The last few weeks have been very hectic for me at the flight school so I haven't had the time to keep you guys up to date, sorry for that but i'm going to tell you all about it now!
This report will cover the flight training in the Travel Air, so it's the part in the multi engine airplane! I have completed 50 hours of instrument-training in the single engined Slingsby and spent my last 30 hours in the Travel Air with more instrument-training, cross country flying and emergency training flying with only one engine operative.
View from the porch at the flight school
We started of with some basic training, learning how to handle the airplane and it's systems with some basic things like stall, steep turns, short field landings and so on. We also had to do one full day on the ground for the technical course and a written test to make sure that we could handle it's systems before we could start the cross country flights.
On the first day of cross country flights we flew Norrköping-Göteborg-Bornholm(Denmark)-Kalmar and back to Norrköping. Martin flew the flight to Göteborg and then it was my turn in the "hot" seat for the flight to Bornholm. We got vectors for an ILS (Instrument landing system) approach in Bornholm and the weather was bad. It was low clouds and rain so I could only see the runway just 100 feet before the minimum altitude before we had to make a go around! Great fun and great training, it's very different to fly a approach like that in real weather and not under a hod, as we normally do for training!
Enroute towards Östersund FL100.
Jonas shoot from the landning in Östersund, seen here on short final runway 30.
After a lunch in Bornholm we had a very uneventful flight back to Norrköping via Kalmar. We made an instrument approach in Kalmar and ended the day with a visual approach in Norrköping.
We had no flying the next day, it was all spent planing the next eight cross country flights and also to complete another written test on general questions about flight dynamics, laws of the air and so on with questions about minimas, flight dynamics etc so our instructor could see that we hadn't forgotten everything from the ATPL theory!
It was now time for a day that I had been looking forward to, flying home, to Östersund to be specific! I took the controls for the first flight, Norrköping to Östersund via Sveg where we made a GPS-approach before heeding further north! I had called Jonas the day before so he was waiting for as as we arrived and got some shoots of the landing! Then we heeded in to town together for some lunch before we continued our trip to Vasa, Finland, via Sundsvall. I flew the leg to Vasa, it was just an hour long flight but a nice one! After a short stop in Vasa it was Martins turn to fly the last leg back to Norrköping, a two hour long flight with some bad wether on the route! I took the time to rest after a long day of flying.
Climbing out of Östersund on our way towards Sundsvall with the city in the background.
Enroute from Östersund to Sundsvall.
Martin at the controls on short final runway 27 at Norrköping after another long day.
Then we spend the next few days training on flying with one engine, this was done in the area around Norrköping. We also had to make a VFR (Visual flight rules) flight around the area and land on different airports like Linköping and Skavsta as this is a part of the the skill test. It's one part of VFR flying and one part flying on Instruments.
Then it was time for our last cross country flight before the skill test, we flew Norrköping-Bergen-Aalborg-Malmö and back to Norrköping. It was another long 12 hour day but it was fun! The first flight to Bergen was just beautiful! I flew the last flight from Malmö Sturup to Norrköping and this flight was very relaxed, the instructor know that we where ready and he could just sit back and relax!
Enroute Norrköping-Bergen, beautiful scenery along the route.
Short final runway 35 at Bergen.
Now we only had three more days before the skill test, we started to get nervous and our instructor was drilling us like never before! We did everything that we ever had done during the training, and now we should know it all, no mistakes! My last flight the day before the skill test was horrible but I think the nerves did theirs! Then we stayed up late that last night going through everything and prepared our selfs as much as we could for the oral exam and the skill test!
The big day was here, the examiner arrived early and had a look on all my papers and everything was in order, time to fly! I was nervous that morning but once i sat in the airplane i cold of! I felt like home, I had been here every day for the last seven weeks! He asked me a few questions about the airplane and some emergency procedures and then it was time to go! I can't tell you everything about the skill test but we started of with the VFR-part, I got tested on my navigation skills, short landing, landing on one engine and so one! I made a few mistakes but i noticed them and corrected them. All was fine and I passed!
City of Allborg
Me at the controls, climbing out on the instrument departure from Sturup. Got a direct routing so I hade to ad that in the GPS.
Then after a two hour lunch it was time for the skill test for my instrument rating. Same here, I can't tell you to much but I had to prove that I could handle the plane in low speed, stall, steep turns, limited instrument (Incase something breaks during flight) etc flying only on the instruments. Then we turned back for some holdings, ILS-approaches, NDB and circling. ILS is a instrument landing system where you can basically fly the airplane down to the runway without seeing anything! NDB Is also a instrument landing system but with a lower precision so you have to be able to see the runway before you land. During this time i "lost" an engine to prove that I could handle the instrument flying on one engine as well.
Me on short final 27 at Norrköping after a visual approach.
"I got my shit together" so to speak, the flights weren't perfect but it was way better that the last flight the day before! The examiner did't have to much to say, only a few small things, as always! I don't think that anyone is flying perfect during a skill test! But It was no problems, no written remarks and I had passed this flight as well! I am now a commercial pilot with a multi-engine and instrument rating, I have been waiting years for this moment and now it is here! After years of hard work with the theory and getting everything together I am finally here! He signed the papers, shook my hand and handed my license over to me! What a feeling, probably the greatest feeling that I have ever felt!
It's been a long and hard road to ride but now I'm done! It still feels weird, I have been working for so long for this and now I'm done, I don't really know what to do now! The next big break is of course to find a job as a pilot and that is probably the hardest part but I'm not going to give up now!
I just want to give a big thank you to everyone that has been with me through this, all my family and friend that has been there for me even during the tough times and all the time that I have spent away from home! And thanks to you readers of Osdphoto out there that has been so supportive as well and giving me good wishes along the way!
One happy guy at the airplane after passing my Skill test with my instructor to the right and the examiner to the left.
I also would like to give a special thanks to my mother who passed away in cancer in 2006, she was my biggest supporter of all! I know that she isn't here today but she has helped me allot, she knew that I could do this and I know that she would be very proud over me right now! She struggled like no one other, she knew that she wasn't going to make it but she fought for it every day. I knew that if she could do that, then I could do this!
Längtar och hoppas att jag kommer stå i den positionen som du är i nu, stort grattis och underbart inlägg! :)
ReplyDeletehärlig beskrivning av all flygning och fina bilder.
ReplyDeleteHärlig läsning Simon, all lycka med att hitta ett jobb. Peace of cake ;)
ReplyDeleteTack för värmande svar!
ReplyDeleteJesper, bara du vill så kan du absolut göra det! Jag har inte haft bättre förutsättningar än någon annan så, möjligen sämre än en del! Bara du har viljan och sliter på så står du där på den bilden tids nog också!
//Simon Brygg - Ostersund Photography
Simon the daemon did it!!! Nicely done vännen!!!